Swap and Burn Firewood (100 Litre) Home Delivered
What a great idea! Firewood hand stacked and delivered to your door in a wheelie bin!
- Portable
- Rain Proof
- Vermin Proof
- Quality Timber Hand stacked
- Cost Effective
Includes Delivery & Swap (or Pick Up)
Stay Warm this winter and let us deliver a "SWAP & BURN" Wheelie Bin to your home!
Murray Bridge & Mount Barker!
Well Seasoned and Bone Dry! = Nice & Hot with Slow Burn Times!
There is no beating Red Gum for hot, slow burning timber in your Combustion Heater or PIZZA Oven! Red Gum is a great choice and does not burn with a lot of flame, making it great for slow burning and plenty of heat.
Delivery Available Murray Bridge to Tailem Bend (Most Days)
Mount Barker Area (Thursdays)
Visa, Cash, Pay Pal, Eftpos or COD.
(Note a $50 Refundable Bond Applies on all Bins)
Order now or Contact Us for more information